Selection Sort

Quick Sort Algorithm work on the Principal of Divide and Conquer. It picks an element as pivot and partitions the given array around the picked pivot. There are many different versions of quickSort that pick pivot in different ways.

1. Always pick first element as pivot.
2. Always pick last element as pivot (implemented below)
3. Pick a random element as pivot.
4. Pick median as pivot.


Quick Sort Algorithm Implementation

                        def pivot_value(data,first,last):
                        left = first+1
                        right = last

                        while True:
                            while left<=right and data[left] <= pivot:
                                left = left+1
                            while left <= right and data[right] >= pivot:
                                right = right-1
                            if right < left:
                                data[left],data[right] = data[right],data[left]

                        data[first],data[right] = data[right],data[first]
                        print("for step how to run")
                        return right

                        def quickshort(data,first,last):
                            if first<=last:
                                a = pivot_value(data, first, last)
                                quickshort(data, first, a - 1)
                                quickshort(data, a + 1, last)

                        print(f"Final Ans : {data}")

Quick Short Algorithm Analysis

                    Best Case: O(nlogn) 
                    Average Case: O(nlogn)
                    Worst Case: O(n^2)
                    Space Complecity: O(logn)
                    Quick Short Algorithm are Internal Shorting Algorithm
                    Quick Short Algorithm are Recursive Shorting Algorithm
                    Stability: No Quick Short Algorithm Are Not Stable Algorithm
                    Adpative: Yes Quick Short Algorithm Are Adpative Algorithm

© Written By Prince Singh